Make what is necessary beautiful®
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Children’s Spaces

Here is a collection of some of our favorite children’s spaces we’ve organized for our clients over the years.

Playroom | BEFORE

Playroom | AFTER

Playroom storage shelves | BEFORE

Playroom storage shelves | AFTER

Playroom | BEFORE

Playroom | AFTER

The same playroom as above, different angle. This client had two young children who had outgrown many toys, so we did a complete edit and reorganization. Her daughter was even old enough to help!

Tweenager’s closet | BEFORE

Tweenager’s closet with Elfa from The Container Store | AFTER

This nursery closet was part of a whole home unpack job we did for a client who just moved.

We organized this little girl’s entire room. Here’s a close-up of her closet.

We helped our client set up her nursery to prepare for a new baby. Here’s a close-up of the dresser drawers.