Make what is necessary beautiful®


Your Guide to Hiring the Right Professional Organizer

You may have been thinking about hiring a Professional Organizer, but haven’t done it yet for a number of reasons. I’ve created this guide to explain how to successfully hire a Professional Organizer who will be a good fit for you and your home.

How to hire a professional organizer

A successful professional organizing experience has two core components: hiring a skilled person/company, and working with someone you feel comfortable with.

Check their credentials

First you’ll want to make sure the person you are hiring is qualified to do the work, as there is no degree in Professional Organizing (yet).

Good questions to ask or research:

  1. How long has the company been in business?

  2. How did the company start, or how did the founder get into Professional Organizing?

  3. Does the company or founder have any professional affiliations or certifications?

  4. Can they provide you with client testimonials or references?

Many organizers, including Minima, are members of NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals). NAPO holds its organizers to a high standard and Code of Ethics.

Vibe check & ask questions

Professional organizing can be a very personal experience; you are inviting someone into your home to go through your most personal possessions. Make sure the person or company you hire vibes well with you. It will be a much better experience if you have a sense of trust and comfort while working with them.

Most organizers, including Minima, offer a free phone consultation before hiring us to come into your home. This is a great opportunity to cover all of the bases.

Good questions to ask or research:

  1. Can you describe your organizing method or process for me? How is it different from other organizers?

  2. Is there anything I need to do to prepare before our first visit?

  3. How does your pricing work?

  4. How are your organizing sessions structured?

In addition to listening for answers, listen for the tone and feel of the answers as you talk with prospective companies. Were they calm and kind, or did they seem tense and stressed? The tone is just as important as the answer itself.

If you’re ready to talk to Minima and find out if we’re a good fit for you, please reach out! You can email us at, or call/text to (804) 592-0435. We also have a simple contact form, which you can complete here.

Kristen Ziegler